AI-Powered Attack Description and Remediation

Harnessing the power of generative AI, we have enriched the Attack Path Analysis with two key features:

New Service: AWS Glue

We’ve added AWS Glue to the growing list of cloud services Panoptica supports. Stay tuned for coming updates that will include related security risks and attack paths.

AWS Onboarding with Terraform

You can now connect your AWS account to Panoptica using a Terraform script, without visiting the Panoptica console. See AWS Onboarding with Terraform for details.

Usability Enhancements - January 2024

Regular updates to the Panoptica console bring usability enhancements and under-the-hood improvements

OpenAPI Specification Drift Detection

Improper Inventory Management (API9:2023) is a key concern highlighted on the OWASP API Security Top 10 list. Poor lifecycle management of API specifications can lead to attacks on vulnerable endpoints.

K8s Runtime Protection Returns with Real-time CDR

The first release of Panoptica's Cloud Detection and Response engine enables event data collection in real time, based on Falco 0.36.

Usability Enhancements - December 2023

Updates to the Panoptica console bring usability enhancements and under-the-hood improvements

Expanded API Gateway support for API Security

Expanding on our comprehensive cloud application security, Panoptica is happy to announce support for additional API gateways and other sources of API trace data:

Pre-production API Security Scanning and Scoring

Helping to shift left API security, Panoptica is launching new capabilities to proactively detect risks in your APIs.

New Cloud Security Posture Risks

We have added more than 50 items to the list of security posture risks Panoptica scans for, in Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and Amazon Web Services.