CI/CD CLI v1.2

Integrating the Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool into the development workflow enables you to scan container images for potential security vulnerabilities. Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool can detect and block security issues pre-production, before they are merged into the main codebase and deployed to production environment.

Version 1.2 of Panoptica's CI/CD CLI supports displaying CLI results in the console UI.

In order to view scan results in the Panoptica console UI, you need an API Key. See CI/CD CLI Tool (Preview) for instructions on generating a Panoptica API Key and promoting its role to an Ops user.


In order to integrate Panoptica into your development workflow, you need to download the Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool.

To download the Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool, and configure permissions, select the tab that matches your OS and platform architecture, and run the relevant command:

curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd
curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd
curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd
curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd
curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd


Help command

Combine the --help flag with any command to see usage instructions and available flags.

./panoptica-cicd --help

CLI Version

Use the version command to view the version of the CLI tool you have installed.

./panoptica-cicd version

Image Scanning

Integrate the Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool into your CI/CD pipeline – after the image build phase but before it is pushed to a registry – to block vulnerable images from ever reaching production.

Run the panoptica-cicd command to scan container images for vulnerabilities.

./panoptica-cicd [global flags] image IMAGE_NAME:TAG [--local] [--exit-on-severity <level>] 


--localNoneWhether to pull the image from a local Docker daemonFalse. Pulls the image from the Dockerhub registry
--exit-on-severityCritical / High / Medium / Low / InformationIf a vulnerability severity is found at or above the given severity, the scan will exit with code 1None. The scan will not exit when a severity of any level is found.

Global Flags

For each supported scan, the following arguments can be set and used:

--reportnoneWhether to send a scan report to the Panoptica console UI.False - Does not send a scan report to Panoptica platform.
--report-endpointSpecifies an API endpoint to send the scan reports to.
Can be used to send scan reports to the EU backend.
Can be set using the PANOPTICA_REPORT_ENDPOINT environment variable.
--api-keyThe API Key to be used in order to send scan reports to Panoptica platform.None.
Can be set using the PANOPTICA_API_KEY environment variable.


Argument overrides environment variables

Providing a command line argument for --report endpoint or --api-key will override any settings defined as environment variables.


You can view the results of the image scan in the CLI, or in the Panoptica console UI.

CLI output

This sample of output from the Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool displays a list of vulnerabilities found with specific details about package name, version, fixed version, CVE, and severity.

CI/CD Scan Results

If the --report flag is set to true, you will be able to view scan reports in the Panoptica console UI, on the CI/CD Scans tab under Build and Applications . Note that you'll need to [generate an API Key](doc:cicd-cli-tool# generate-api-key) and include it with the --api-key flag.

Click any scan record in the table to view a detailed report of the scan results.

Integration example: GitHub Actions

The Panoptica CI/CD CLI tool can be employed with any build system. Integration is straightforward, and is no different from running the tool locally.

Sample workflow:

name: Image Scan
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
      - name: Build Docker image
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
          context: .
          load: true
          tags: my-image:latest
      - name: Install Panoptica CICD CLI
        run: |
          curl -O && chmod +x ./panoptica-cicd
      - name: Run image scan
        run: |
          ./panoptica-cicd image my-image:latest --local --exit-on-severity high


Local image scanning

For local image scanning, the Docker daemon must be running, and have access to the scanned image.