Service Categories

Panoptica's cloud security posture management (CSPM) scans and monitors hundreds of assets and services across your entire cloud service stack, covering AWS, Azure, GCP, and OCI. The broad range of cloud-based services are best sorted into a handful of service categories, to facilitate manageability. You can explore the assets and services identified in your environment on the Asset Inventory page.

The following table lists the nine service categories that Panoptica identifies (in alphabetical order).

Service CategoryDescription
AnalyticsA suite of tools and applications that allow you to collect, process, analyze and visualize vast amounts of raw data in order to help your organization make data-driven decisions
ComputeVirtualized servers on which to run your applications. These services provide computing power for processing data, running applications, and other tasks, and can be scaled up or down depending on your needs.
ContainersContainer services provide the infrastructure and management systems that support the deployment and scaling of containerization technology. Containers package an application – along with its libraries, dependencies, and other resources it requires to run – into a single unit.
DatabaseAlso known as Database as a Service (DBaaS), cloud database services store and manage data, offering scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reduced maintenance.
Identity and SecurityEnsure that only authorized individuals or systems have access to your resources, and protect your cloud environment from advanced threats across devices, data, apps, and infrastructure.
Machine Learning and AITools and platforms that enable developers to design, train, and deploy machine learning models and AI applications. These services can handle any scale of data, are highly flexible, and require no setup or management efforts on your part.
Management and GovernanceManage, monitor, and optimize cloud resources to ensure compliance with business and regulatory policies, and maintain overall operational health.
NetworkingInterconnection of resources and services in a cloud environment to enable communication between users, applications, and data, both within the cloud and with external networks.
StorageScalable, secure, and cost-effective options to store, retrieve, and manage data. Storage services offer multiple types of storage options, such as object storage, block storage, file storage, and archival storage.